Saturday, 18 August 2012

Invasion Colchester

It was the hottest day of the year so far in Colchester with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees, yet costumers, special guests and volunteers all braved the heat to provide fantastic entertainment and more importantly, raise funds for local causes. It must have been an incredibly tough day for all the characters, especially so for the poor chap or chapess who was dressed as the Ewok, but every single person involved that we met, all greated us with big smiles and really made the event jolly good fun. 

Captain Jack Sparrow
Lara Croft
The atmosphere in town was fantastic as we took part in the Character Hunt.  The Hunt consisted of purchasing an Entry Sheet which included a map of various locations where certain famous characters would be.  The locations included the Library, Williams & Griffin, Game, the Odeon, Fun & Games, Colchester Castle, Ace Comics and Xtreme Gaming.  Once you had visited all the locations, seen the characters and had your entry sheet stamped, it was off back to Ace Comics to return your entry ready for the draw the next day..



Other special events took place throughout the day, including face painting, a raffle, Star Wars story time, read by special guest Ralph Morse who appeared as a Stormtrooper in "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the Jedi".  He read Star Wars literature at the library.  

R2 D2
The Witch King from
Lord of the Rings
There was also a fancy dress competition, a sponsored waxing, where Thomas Hughes agreed to be waxed for charity and Human Target, where Aurthur Tolmie, co-founder of Xtreme Gaming volunteered himself to be a human paintball target!  

Dalek & Tardis from
Dr Who
Live music also featured at different times throughout the day with music from Nina Wright, Rhys Butterworth-Bowman, The Tom Sanderson Band then finally with the day finishing off with a cracking performance from Committed To The Blues Brothers, who had the crowd dancing even in the heat.

Altair & Ezio from
Assassin's Creed

Captain America

Invasion Colchester was launched in 2011 by Simon Leonard, initially as a one-off event to raise money for an important cause that saved Simon's life.  But following the success of last year's Invasion Colchester, a decision was made to continue the event each year, raising money for additional charities.  This year's charities benefiting from this fantastic event are The Invicta Foundation, Colchester Community Voluntary Services and Colchester Hospitals Charity.

Committed To The Blues Brothers

Only Fools & Horses

The General Lee
Ariel from the
Little Mermaid


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