Tuesday 11 September 2012

How Canine Partner Maddy Has Made Such A Difference

Alison Wyatt & Maddy
Alison Wyatt from Colchester has Multiple Sclerosis and her daily life is made so much easier with the help of four year old Maddy, who was trained by Canine Partners.  This is her story:

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was 33 years old.  Prior to that I had led a very normal and active life.  I had given up work when I fell pregnant with my son and due to the condition, never returned to my job.

It took a couple of years to finally get diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis, but it was issues with my balance that initially alerted me to the fact there was a problem.  Bending down was very difficult and I always had to make sure I was holding on to something or I would just fall over.  It would take me a few goes to be able to lower myself into a chair and I was losing confidence about leaving the house.  I also suffered dreadfully with fatigue and would often put off doing jobs until the next day hoping I would have more energy.

Since then my condition has worsened and after damaging my hip in a fall, I ended up being permanently confined to a wheelchair.  My parents read an article about Canine Partners and I decided to apply.  After a successful application and residential training course, I came home with Maddy in July 2010 and she is just fantastic.

As well as giving me companionship, it’s like Maddy has a sixth sense as to my needs.  Often I don’t even have to give a command and she is there, picking up something I have dropped or going to collect the post.  She helps me with many tasks I wouldn’t be able to do on my own anymore, such as pulling my trousers and socks on and off.  She loads and unloads the washing machine, takes clothes off the airer, opens and closes doors and gets me things I can’t reach.  She also likes to keep the place clean and tidy, so is always bringing me objects to put away so things aren’t messy!

Since having Maddy I have not suffered with as much fatigue, because she is there to help me with the tasks that I find exhausting.  My teenage son doesn’t have to help me so often, which gives him more free time.  They absolutely adore each other and Maddy is so excited when she hears the back door close to signal he is home from school!

I now have the confidence to go out and about more often.  I meet lots of people when out walking Maddy, something I would have never done before.  We have bonded so well and I feel my life is complete with Maddy.  She is my companion as well as my assistance dog and she carries out her job with unconditional love.  I wouldn’t know what to do without her - she is my angel.

www.caninepartners.org.uk                                                                      08456 580480Registered charity number 803680                                                Registered in Scotland  SCO39050

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